Thursday, November 1, 2012

Moving Beyond the Usual

Are you connected to a cause? In our last REACH newsletter we talked about corporate social responsibility and the environment. This blog continues the conversation...

Polar Bears. The Environment. Oceans.

When you see or hear these words, you probably get a visual in your mind... maybe of a mother polar bear with her cubs surrounded by a sea of ice... or a lush green rain forest untouched by humans... maybe it’s hump back whales swimming effortlessly through clear blue water.

You may also think of the companies that are associated with these causes (Coca Cola, TD, RBC). The organizations that have combined their brands and sense of corporate social responsibility to raise awareness – both of the causes they support and their businesses. In addition to awareness, new dollars are raised to help address these needs.

You’ve probably seen the posters, donation boxes and advertisements for the many causes being supported by companies, large companies in particular. Some work through existing charities, and others have set up their own foundations. Individuals and companies are now becoming associated with the causes they support, and vice versa.

So, what does this mean for United Way KW?   

It means that we have to work with corporate and individual donors differently. In addition to fundraising for our community through the annual campaign, we have different conversations – conversations that include a discussion of a company’s corporate social responsibility philosophy, their business goals, and legacy wishes. Knowing these things helps us to bring awareness of community needs to corporate and individual donors in a personal, directed and more meaningful way, and allows them to find new ways to work with us and advance their own goals.

So, what does this mean for our community?

In addition to new awareness and new perspective, it brings new dollars to our community. Through United Way KW, these dollars will be used to give possibilities to people living in poverty; to build healthy and strong neighbourhoods; and to help kids be all that they can be.

This community has always rallied to support our annual fall fundraising campaign. We at United Way KW are working hard right now, as are many volunteers and supporters, to raise the funds needed in our community. The campaign fundraiser year-after-year, helps to make our community strong, vibrant and supportive for all. We believe that by raising awareness and working with others to focus financial investments in alignment with corporate social philosophies and individual giving based on values and hopes for the future, we bring about positive change to the areas in our community that need our attention the most. Together we will create a stronger and more vibrant community. Change Starts Here!


Cathy Snyder

CFO/CAO, United Way KW