Thursday, October 25, 2012

Guest Blogger - Joanna Lohrenz, Manulife Financial

Manulife's Signature Cause of Volunteerism 
Whether it’s making a financial investment during our annual United Way campaign or investing time by volunteering at a community project, our employees bring a lot of commitment and enthusiasm to everything they do in their communities.  During my 13 years at Manulife, I have seen high levels of philanthropic and charitable giving from all corners of the company.   

Since 1947, Manulife has been supporting the United Way across Canada. A lot of this support comes from our annual two-week campaign held in September. During these two weeks, employees, advisors and retirees are encouraged to make a donation to United Way or to a charity of their choice. Their donations have twice the impact because Manulife matches every donation to United Way, dollar-for-dollar, up to $5,000 per person, and up to $1,000 per person for any registered charity of their choice.

Importantly, the impact of these donations is felt right across Canada – not just here in K-W. Each year, thousands of Manulife employees, advisors and retirees - from Halifax to Vancouver - make a donation during the campaign.

The success of this campaign would not be possible without our employee volunteers. These dedicated individuals do everything from organizing events and securing prizes to encouraging others to get involved. It is important to note that they make this commitment on top of their day-to-day work roles. Many put in extra time during the evenings and weekends to make sure the campaign runs smoothly. Their dedication is a true reflection of Manulife’s signature cause of volunteerism.

All donations, regardless of the amount, are important because not only will they improve lives today, they also help build a better future for Canadians. I can’t tell you how  incredibly proud I am to work alongside people who are so committed to building strong, and vibrant communities and for a company that celebrates and promotes the importance of volunteerism – a cause near and dear to my heart.

Joanna Lohrenz
VP, Manulife Investments & Chair, 2012 Manulife United Way Campaign