Hi there! It’s me, Meg Lagrotta, the Communications Coordinator here at United Way KW. I’m very excited to be writing my first blog and launching our new Text to Give campaign.
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Libro Financial, we can now make a difference in our community one text at a time. (Sounds cheesy but it’s true, so hear me out.)
Relief efforts following last year’s devastating earthquake in Haiti demonstrated the incredible power of “text to give” - and the incredible difference young people can make simply by using their cell phones. In response to the disaster, Red Cross launched a Text to Give campaign that raised $22 million in the first week alone. Every text made a difference following that catastrophic event. Here’s what gets me excited – of that total, $1 million came from texts sent by youth!
Every day, disasters also occur right here in KW. Not as large scale as the earthquake in Haiti, but nonetheless devastating for those involved. Unfortunately, we rarely hear about them. Poverty, hunger, addiction, broken families, mental illness, unemployment, language barriers - dollars raised by United Way help support these and many other local disasters. How do we do it? Simply put, by investing in programs and initiatives that support our 5 Regional Priorities.
I really hope the next text message you write is “UCHANGE” to 45678 to donate $5.00 to United Way KW!
PS. You can text more than once - up to 6 times in a month, in fact!